Sunday, September 2, 2012

Lawrence Hall of Science, in brief

I visited the LHS last week.  There seems to be a lot of climate education information on their website, but on display in the museum itself, the only climate change education seems to be the one "global temperature change" dataset (of many others) on their "Science on a Sphere" display, whose issues I covered in the previous post. A lot more could be done here, to explain the science as well as ACC's recommended basics on policy solutions; and its effectiveness could be assessed in-house, through their educational assessment office.
(A very little more below.)

NOAA's Science on a Sphere: Climate visualization & other suggestions for viewing at science museums

How to use a specialized display to optimally highlight signal, not noise?

NOAA's "Science on a Sphere" - at Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science, Seattle's Science Museum, and many others - is a planet-shaped screen for displaying planetary "spatial" data for earth and other planets, as well as, presumably, displaying anything that a flat screen can show. Here's the FAQ.

NOAA's PPI goals&objectives fall short of the ACC policy&outreach recommendations

Yesterday's post shows the NRC  America's Climate Choices assessment(s)' recommendation for climate outreach and climate mitigation policy.  (In short: we can't solve it without aligning private incentives with public policy goals, via putting a price on carbon; and the public needs education outreach to be informed about  climate change and the relative effectiveness of policies to address it.)

How do NOAA's goals&objectives align with these recommendations?  According to  NOAA's Office of Program Planning and Integration website, not as well as it could.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

What "America's Climate Choices" reports (NRC, 2011) said about climate policy and outreach

The message doesn't seem to be getting through as well as it should.

"We ... need information on the implications of different options -- especially to assess whether policies are effective." 
"Although we face a daunting challenge, if we start an honest conversation now and look at some options,'s something we can do."

"[We need to] adopt an economy-wide carbon pricing system  ... [since an] incentive that aligns private sector incentives with public policy goals is essential to getting this job done.  It just doesn't work any other way."

In 2010-2011 the National Research Council - the research/report-writing arm of our National Academy of Sciences - put out a series of reports called America's Climate Choices*  - and from what I can tell, the report's information and recommendations, for outreach on effective solutions, is being ignored.

This post just gives excerpts and quotes from & about the report, on climate mitigation policy & outreach assessments and recommendations.